Amateur radio palm software ncdxf

Bv by df3cb amateur radio software for qsl management and qsl label printing for windows 9598nt dxcc spreadsheet excel spreadsheet that helps you trace your status of dxcc entities dxview dxview presents a world map, upon which beam headings, stations you spot, the suns position, and the solar terminator are continuously displayed. Iaru ncdxf beacon that is currently transmitting via pa1are w6nek hf beacon tracker windows program identifies and tracks, 18 worldwide hf beacon stations. Waveguide is the amateur radio operators ultimate utility for determining hf propagation conditions at the touch of a finger. The app is called mircules ham quicklog or just quicklog and is an app for the ipad. Palm beach county p25 scanner frequencies and radio. I also enjoy the digital modes of amateur radio as well as the good ole cw mode. The current release version of ham radio deluxe is v6. The unixcw utilities add a general purpose morse code library to your system, and a small set of applications based around this library.

I am working on a very new version, which will be out at least by christmas, 2003. Rcsi radio control systems, inc amateur radio software. Gold mine of ham software one from qrz simply too much to list a must see gold mine of ham software two from k7hg. Mrp40 is a powerful and highlyeffective ham radio software program that decodes received cw audio that has been fed to a computers sound card. Jun 25, 2010 cwqso allows you to practice sending and receiving cw in a real qso. For quick find use your browser find command or do a ctrl f, type in the sought after item. Ham radio deluxe hrd includes dm780 and derivatives.

With this said let me put my two cents in on my experience with software for our hobby. Utilizing data from popular dx clusters like psk reporter, dx watch, reverse beacon network, and wsprnet, waveguide plots realtime propagation conditions on a global map, connecting stations with great circles to show exactly where band conditions are best. If you havent used one of these programs while you listen for the beacons, you dont know. Flagler palm coast amateur radio club when all else fails. The core of the ham club membership is the membership tracking. Palm os software dxing pocketbeacon pocketbeacon displays a realtime list of the last, current and next ncdxf iaru hf beacon scheduled to transmit on the selected band and updates this list every ten seconds as the transmitting station changes. Many amateur radio operators and electronics hobbyists also use embedded processors in their projects. Apr 05, 2020 palm one desktop is an excellent software that allows you to sync your palm device with your computer, to view, sort, find, edit, back up date book, to do list, address book, and more. Fcc registered amateur radio licenses in palm coast, florida. Ham radio deluxe software radio amateurs best asset. Flagler palm coast amateur radio club when all else. These applications form a morse code tutor suite, useful for amateur and marine radio operators. Maps of varying sizes for all aspects of amateur radio throughout the world. Truetty version history downloads and registration a program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card.

Analyses the audio signals from your radio, which is tuned to the ncdxf iaru hf beacon network and shows you the signal strength received from each of the 18 beacon transmitters as a plot of frequency spectrum against time. During an emergency, it can be used as a location aware tactical communications tool. Palmve palmve is a program for palm based handheld computers that is. Beacon wizard by ku5s runs while listening to the new iaruncdxf beacons. There is a current beta team testing and working with me on development. Amateur radio soundblaster software collection from dr. Its a logging app for radio amateurs and has a lot of very useful features. Ham radio deluxe hrd is an integrated suite of software products for amateur radio. Hfpacket and uhfpacket ax25 are supported in kisstnc emulation mode. Skysweep tech is a hightech company with the main focus on the high quality radio software for windows. For transmitting cw, the program encodes keystrokes from the computers keyboard. A number of under fields are used to record special interests and additional fields can be used to record just about any other information your club wants to collect. Rtty software, digital mode ham radio ham radio software. Amateur radio software ham radio articles ham radio india.

Mpe calculator rf exposure evaluation software for amateur radio. The new fivechannel 60meter amateur allocation becomes available to us amateur radio operators at midnight 12. Since i am a retired it manager it only stands to reason i would embrace all forms of radio computer interfacing. Programs for windows 32 bit w95, w98, me, nt, xp, w2k programs for linux. You can do pretty much whatever you want with this software, though there are certain restrictions on commercial redistribution. The local time designation means that amateurs in the us territory of guam likely will be the first to get a crack at the new band. Gold mine of ham software four many downloads from g3vfp. Feb 01, 2016 great way to see from where propagation comes from, listen to the ham radio beacons for iaru that cycle through a 3 minute schedule, mode cw or if you dont have that mode. Dxcc and province prefixes, cq and itu zones in the rectangular and azimuthal projections, continuous zoom and scrolling, gray line, city and island index, hierarchical prefix database. The software has the ability to collect over 170 different pieces of information most of which are optional. These beacons help both amateur and commercial highfrequency radio users assess the current condition of the ionosphere. The ncdxf, in cooperation with the iaru, constructed and operates a worldwide network of highfrequency radio beacons on 14.

Supported modes are rtty baudot code, ascii 7 or 8 bits, psk31 bpsk and qpsk and amtorfec sitorb, navtex. Unfortunately, the sheriffs office is now utilizing fulltime encryption. The transfer of information is immediate and the power to communicate lies in the palm of our hands. Pinpoint is free software that allows you to visually track and communicate with people using amateur radio ham radio equipment. Amateur radio programs for palm os devices category is a curation of 21 web resources on, w1ghz palm log, palmprop, hf radio logger. Ham radio software ac6vs amateur radio and dx reference guide. Send kn and cwqso generates the other operators response to you for you to copy. Hot collection of amateur radio soundblaster software collection by.

The brouhaha du jour in amateur radio is the ham radio deluxe hrd blacklisting scandal, for lack of a better term. Tealpoint software for ham radio morse code and ham radio frequencies. A discussion area for rig control, logging, utility, and other software applications. Ke9s has added a beacon scanner mode to the powersdr software for flex radios. Dec 19, 2016 and there is a lot of amateur radio software that is licensed under free terms. G3usf beacon list by martin harrison beacons down to 1. Palmpilot satellite tracking software from emm graphics. The software is primarily concerned with the logging of u.

Palm ham amateur radio applications for palmos from ken harker km5fa. Review of propagation prediction programs astrosurf. Pocket beacon for palmpilot for the ncdxfiaru beacon system. Heres a preliminary writeup on this project that is still in preparation. Wizard track the ncdxf beacons and sets your pc clock to world standards.

Fcc registered amateur radio licenses in palm coast. International beacon project locations and information ncdxf. Amateur radio propagation beacons from ncdxf iaru to listen. Using the ncdxf iaru hf international beacon network. The countylog program is a specialty logging program designed for mobile amateur radio operators. Gold mine of ham software threefrom iw8pg and 1kr102.

Dxsoftham radio software programs for amateur radio our news 14 may 2020 seatty v2. Software for amateur radio ac6vs amateur radio and. Great way to see from where propagation comes from, listen to the ham radio beacons for iaru that cycle through a 3 minute schedule, mode cw or if you dont have that mode. Curation of software for amateur radio applications. Displays the ncdxfiaru international beacon projects scheduled transmissions and performs propagation predictions for the current month between each beacon and your location using proppy, based on the iturhfprop application a software method for the prediction of the performance of hf circuits in accordance with recommendation itur p. This is a generalized form for the discussion of various software products, programming, operating systems and such. A high performance software modem lately ive been working on a software modem designed to run on just a pc and sound card no special dsp hardware required. It is mostly used as a tool for tracking people and assets on a map, although it is capable of so much more. You can send cw via the mouse buttons or an attached paddle, the cw you send is displayed on cwqso. Irlp internet radio linking project was the first reliable voip linking system developed by ve7ltd in canada in 1997 intended to link a repeater to a remote repeater. The program can create complete practice tests which you can take, and will keep track of your test history and let you know how youre doing. Amateur radio programs for palm os devices category is a curation of 21 web resources on, palmprop, hf radio logger, hamcalc. Arrl, the national association for amateur radio 225 main street newington, ct, 061111400 usa tel. Fcc registered amateur radio licenses in palm coast, florida ham radio call sign.

Palmve is a program for android devices that is built to aid as a virtual volunteer examiner for amateur radio written tests. Beacons the w6amt beacons is a windows program which automates the collection of radio propagation data. Radio tools and utilities for amateur radio operators. Automatic ncdxf beacon monitor for radio amateurs, swlers and hf communication engineers. We are an active social club organized for the purpose of bringing together local amateur radio operators who share a common interest in the hobby and a willingness to serve the flagler county community through their expertise in the field of communications.

This is not a skimmer, it decodes a single signal in the 3khz audio coming from the transceiver via a soundcard, just like any other rtty program. Amateur radio software the most compehensive list of available software for the radio amateur anywhere on the internet. It has been designed to allow quick entry of important information regarding qsos. To retrieve your new key, visit the following website to check for your replacement key. Mark a capuano, 1 colechester ln, palm coast, fl 327. Hams use mrp40 to send and read qrq highspeed cw, to help.

The flagler palm coast amateur radio club, located in palm coast, fl grid square el99, welcomes you to our website. The five modules in the suite provide rig control, logging, digital. Supported modes are rtty baudot code, ascii 7 or 8 bits, psk31 bpsk and qpsk, bpsk63, qpsk63, bpsk125, amtorfec sitorb, navtex, multifsk16, multifsk8. Palm beach county firerescue and the palm beach county sheriffs office have officially switched to the new system on june 2,2018. Beaconmap shows the iaru ncdxf beacon that is currently transmitting via pa1are w6nek hf beacon tracker windows program identifies and tracks, 18 worldwide hf beacon stations. Palm one desktop is an excellent software that allows you to sync your palm device with your computer, to view, sort, find, edit, back up date book, to do list, address book, and more.

This software allows the antenna to be pointed by mouse click on the azimuth graphic area compass rose, by using the left and right keyboard arrows, by setting the azimuth, by setting the qth locator 4, 6 or 8 digits, by mouse click on a map, by selecting the dxcc entity or by typing a prefix or full callsign. Beacons of the ncdxfiaru network are mainly used to feel the propagation to different countries of the world. The decoded text is displayed on the computers monitor. International beacon project locations and information. Palmve palmve is a program for palm based handheld computers that is built to aid as.

The stlinkv2 is an incircuit debugger and programmer for the stm32 and stm8 micro controller families. Jan 21, 2020 the stlinkv2 is an incircuit debugger and programmer for the stm32 and stm8 micro controller families. Hd has a zerotolerance policy against illegal pornography. Due to its capabilities, it is an extremely popular device and clones are available from your preferred chinese trading platform for less than 5 euro. Palmham amateur radio applications for palmos from ken harker km5fa. Had i known about this fine piece of software earlier, i would have already been using it. Gold mine five of amateur radio soundblaster software collection by dr. Resources listed under ham radio tools category belongs to software main collection. Pda, hpc, palm aprs, igate satprogramme packetradio karten.

After a lot of software development and testing i finally put my new app in the apple app store. Displays the ncdxfiaru international beacon projects scheduled. The ncdxf is an organization as described in section 501c3 of the internal revenue code and all contributions are taxdeductible to the extent permitted by law for u. Irlp internet radio linking project was the first reliable voip linking system developed by ve7ltd in canada in 1997 intended to link a repeater to a remote repeater or to a reflector of many repeaters does not support enduser connections from smartphones pcs like echolink or dstar. Palmos software dxing pocketbeacon pocketbeacon displays a realtime list of the last, current and next ncdxfiaru hf beacon scheduled to transmit on the selected band and updates this list every ten seconds as the transmitting station changes. Applications for amateur radio fedora project wiki. Welcome to the world of high tech ham radio software.

Displays the ncdxf iaru international beacon projects scheduled transmissions and performs propagation predictions for the current month between each beacon and your location using proppy, based on the iturhfprop application a software method for the prediction of the performance of hf circuits in accordance with recommendation itur p. Created as an extention of goodwill by amateur radio station nw7us. See ham radio reference satellite tracking software from emm graphics morse code and ham. Cwqso send and receive on your pc gw6itj amateur radio site. Free ham radio satellite tracking software skachatlibertyig. Display each on a map of the world along with detailed latitude. Pccallbook software to manage what is available free from the internet. Radio tools and utilities for amateur radio operators category is a curation of 74 web resources on, defpoms cb radio simulator, conductor training, extfsk by mm hamsoft. Amateur radio propagation beacons from ncdxf iaru to. Truetty program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card.

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